Wednesday, March 27, 2013

From the activity of the brown bag we had to bring things that we most care about in life. I brought in my Cali I.D which for meant to protect my identity. Another thing that I brought was my Rosario which means that I am religions. A last time that I value the most is the internet cause I get information that I don't know and also find some new stuff. One thing that I learned from this activity was getting to know my class mates more in what they value.   
        The Activity Project.....

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

1)Describe your experience using the MAD (make a difference) cards.   Using MAD (make a difference) I learned what I like and found the stuff that are more important and what we should care about the most. Also found that others also had some similar thought with the whole class.

2)What do you hope to gain from participating in the Main Street Philanthropy program?   I hope to get more knowledge from this project